Acupuncture is a part of a whole spectrum of treatments known as traditional chinese medicine (TCM). Along with herbs, massage, exercise and diet it is one of the most ancient systems of healthcare that has been used for over 2,000 years to restore, promote and maintain good health.
Unlike western medicine that takes a micro approach; focusing on the fine details of diseases at a cellular level, chinese medicine has a macro approach; focusing on the whole person, looking in great detail at all aspects of the patients life, working out a picture of the person as a unique integration of body, mind and environment. This is possibly why Acupuncture is one of the fastest growing complimentary therapies in the West.
In acupuncture treatment, the acupuncture practitioner works with the energies of the body, called Qi (pronounced chee). The Qi flows in a network of channels throughout the body on which the acupuncture points are found. From an initial diagnosis made by the practitioner on the first visit, the cause of the presenting signs and symptoms is made. This means the root cause of the condition is treated not just the signs and symptoms so ensuring a lasting recovery.
Treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles (some as thin as a human hair) into specific points on the channels, for 30-40 minutes, to disperse any blocks or deficiencies of Qi. This helps stimulate the body’s own healing response, so restoring its natural balance. The more this balance is achieved and maintained the healthier the body becomes.
Within TCM, the use of cupping, electo-acupuncture, Moxa, Tui na, Guasha, auricular acupuncture and facial rejuvenation are also employed as part of the therapeutic tools available along with the acupuncture to help achieve this balance.
For more information on acuptuncture, you can visit the British Acupuncture Council website here or the NHS website here.
4 Brent Grove
Milton Keynes
MK19 7FF
Monday - Friday
By appointment only
Home Visits available on request