Electro –acupuncture is the stimulation of the needle in particular acupuncture points using a light electrical current. A small hand held battery operated machine, similar to a TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machine, is connected to the needles using small clips with leads connecting them. The patient feels a gentle pulsing through the needle site, which is adjusted to the tolerance of the patient.
Electo- acupuncture is used to treat mostly conditions coming from an excess rather than a deficiency of Qi, as it strongly clears blocks within the channels. Therefore it is particularly effective for pain relief, for patients that have high muscle tone from a hemiplegia following a stroke, for muscular spasm, nerve damage (such as Bell’s palsy), and extreme joint pain.
It is also used with auricular acupuncture to help those patients going through withdrawal symptoms when coming off drugs, alcohol or smoking.
Electo – acupuncture is inadvisable for patients who have cancer and in the first trimester of pregnancy, although it is very effective for pain relief during labour.
4 Brent Grove
Milton Keynes
MK19 7FF
Monday - Friday
By appointment only
Home Visits available on request